
There are people who say they hate baking. That it’s too time consuming, it’s harder to improvise, they don’t like measuring out ingredients. I am not one of those people. I love the semi-science behind baking. I am always looking for a new great baked good to whip up and send into work with my hubby, or take to my church small group. I love the smell of bread rising, of sugar and butter combining in the oven. The sweet, doughy scent of a good scone crusting up to a golden brown.

Banana Bread Scones11

While it’s true that baking has a few more constraints than cooking – I’m a believer that anyone can be a great baker. What’s the worst that could happen? You burn  a batch of cookies? You don’t zest your lime properly and end up with key “chunks of lime” pie? Um, yeah…I did that one. Chuck it and try again. Baking should be fun! If you think a recipe might be better with a different ingredient – go for it! You figure out pretty quickly what works and what doesn’t. And when you discover the perfect way to make your soon-to-be signature brownies, well…I don’t think there’s a better feeling around than tasting something that’s pure perfection knowing you created it.

I made an amazing discovery recently. I love people and I love food. Well, I already knew those things, but here’s the discovery. I bake because I enjoy it, but more because I love the people in my life and want them to have delicious things. I’ve made a decision. Someday, when I have my own bakery, all the goodies will be named for the people I love that had a hand in the creation of those things. Often I’m reminded that the qualities that make baked goods special also translate to people. So occasionally you’ll see a recipe with a person’s name attached to it. Those are the very amazing people in my life and you can bet the recipes are the ultimate in deliciousness!

Search under baking for all my goodies and treats! Or, head on over to my Flickr account. You’ll find links to all the recipes in the descriptions.

6 thoughts on “Baking

  1. Dear Bakerlady Tonya: I stumbled upon your website while searching for recipes and found it (and you) quite charming. I, too, am a Christian woman who enjoys baking. My purpose in writing is to say that 1) I can hardly wait to try your pumpkin scones and a few other of your ‘treats’ and 2) the photographs and presentations appear quite professional and applealing. It was particularly lovely to read that you hope to open a bakery–what was especially delightful was your plan to name your baked goods after those whom you love (“Phils’ or “Emilys”). That touched my heart, really.

    I shall say a prayer for your success and just want to commend you for your faith, your obvious sharing of your talents and your desire to share and bless others, a true Proverbs 31 lady.


    God bless you and Merry Christmas. I shall make your blog a ‘favorite’ and mention it to others.


    1. Thanks Barbara for your kind comments, and your prayers. A Proverbs 31 lady is truly what I desire to be. Thank you so much for that.

      I’m a firm believer that great recipes should be shared. I’ve never been one to have “secret” recipes – and want everyone to find the joy I do in baked goods. I didn’t invent most of my recipes, they are just ones I’ve found (often slightly altered), but certainly not completely my own creations.

      Home baked goods, like other skills that require patience and time (sewing?) – are becoming a lost art. I’m pretty sure that even if many people “steal” all of my recipes, my bakery will still have plenty of clients – those who simply don’t have the time or the desire to bake themselves…but enjoy deliciousness in an atmosphere that feels loving and warm…like home. 🙂

      Again – thank you for your kind words. They blessed my day.

  2. Hi Bakerlady! I love your dream and vision, and am interested to see if I can get over my baking phobia by trying some of your seemingly delicious recipes! I found you by way of someone pinning your recesses peanut butter oh-my bars, which I have to try… in any event, I am glad I found you!

    If you ever do get your dream of The BakerLady’s House up and running, I would be honored to chat with you about branding your shop, some marketing strategies and graphic design help. I work with a small agency based out of Boston, but we are virtually anywhere we need to be. Check out our site and look at our work for Two Foxes Baking Co. – they are a startup company that makes delicious (I mean, totally yummy) healthy frozen muffins. We helped develop their brand identity, story and are supporting their launch efforts. Eventually, we will help them with whatever marketing support they need as they get the orders rolling in.

    Happy Baking! I hope our paths cross in the future.
    Angela Doran

  3. Hi Bakerlady! You have so many varieties in baked goods. I ‘m new to baking. I love cakes, cookies, pizza and stuff. I want to buy an oven or microwave. I was wondering if you can help me about how to choose an oven. There is so much stuff on internet that am confused. which oven do you have? Thanks!

    1. I have an old beat down oven. Remodeling the kitchen next year probably. You don’t need a great oven to cook/bake well. You just need to know the one you have. Make sure you check the internal temp now and then to be sure it’s accurate. Know if it runs hot or cold and adjust your cooking time accordingly.

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