Baking · Muffins · Snacks

Apple Carrot Bran Muffins

We are having an aerobics session at tomorrow's MOPS. And, my table is on tap for breakfast foods. I figured I should bring something that's not laden with sugar, butter and cheese. Drat. These muffins totally fit the bill. They are chock full of fruits and veggies - and almost no fat! They are moist,… Continue reading Apple Carrot Bran Muffins


30 Day Shred – Revisited

Some of you may be wondering what happened to my 30 Day Shred posts. Actually, I hope you've all forgotten all about it, but I highly doubt that's true. I was reminded of it today because one of my girlfriends finished her shred today. I'm really proud of her -- way to go Jen! You… Continue reading 30 Day Shred – Revisited


30 Day Shred – Injured Reserve

Take me out coach. I'm hurt. While moving boxes, couches and a 9 foot Christmas tree on Saturday, I managed to tweak my back. Sunday morning I was hurting. Badly. I popped some Advil and muscled thru my responsibilities at church. The dull ache in my back blossomed into a constant wincing pain after I… Continue reading 30 Day Shred – Injured Reserve

Failure · Fitness

30 Day Shred – Day 12…FAIL

Well, today was a bust. I know technically I could still do my workout and stay on the path of an actual 30 day shred - but I have decided the only lifting I'll be doing this evening is bringing my Malibu and Pineapple juice from the coaster to my mouth. I'll be spending the… Continue reading 30 Day Shred – Day 12…FAIL


30 Day Shred – Day 11

It feels more like day 1100. I hated today's shred. I know in my head that it is the exact same workout I've been doing for a week, but my body tells me it was harder. Maybe it's because I didn't get enough sleep. Maybe it's because I've already had a full day - and… Continue reading 30 Day Shred – Day 11


30 Day Shred – Day 10

A third of the way there!! I consider myself to be a pretty fit person. My former gym workouts consisted of an hour on the stair master/elliptical machine with a ton of resistance & up to the max elevation, then a half hour of weight training plus 50 squats on an upside down BOSU ball… Continue reading 30 Day Shred – Day 10


30 Day Shred – Day 9

Ugh. Early morning today getting out the door to make 75 apple pies with my MOPS steering team. Put together ingredients for 50 more pies for the mommies to make Thursday at our MOPS meeting. After standing for 5 hours cutting apples, measuring ingredients, crumbling topping and hitting the pulse button on my Cuisinart, I… Continue reading 30 Day Shred – Day 9


30 Day Shred – Day 8

There is a muscle along my outer thigh that I'm pretty sure has never in my life been used as much as in the past 8 days. The squats and lunges that Jillian does in this DVD series are just craziness. Although my thighs are very unhappy, I'm pretty sure they are getting smaller. Which… Continue reading 30 Day Shred – Day 8


30 Day Shred – Day 7

One week down. What's amazing to me is that with Jillian's 30 Day Shred, the time I spent working out this week - the entire week - equals about the length of time I used to spend in two workouts at the gym. I wasn't super careful about my food this week. Aside from trying… Continue reading 30 Day Shred – Day 7


30 Day Shred – Day 6

Another day, another forced shred. Seriously is this ever going to get easier? I feel great after almost a week on this program. We'll see tomorrow what the scale says, but for right now...the way my clothes are re-fitting me is motivation enough to keep at it. I do believe I'll be at level two… Continue reading 30 Day Shred – Day 6