Appetizers · Cooking · Dinner

Fire and Ice Watermelon Salsa

Watermelon = summer. It's just a fact of life. There's nothing better on a sweltering July afternoon than devouring a giant slice of juicy delicious watermelon. Getting all that sticky sweetness running down your chin. Even better when the watermelon is the size of your head. Preferably while walking Main Street in Disneyland, listening to… Continue reading Fire and Ice Watermelon Salsa

Appetizers · Cooking

Fourth of July Flag Bean Dip

Independence Day is coming this weekend! Break out your stars and stripes, fireworks and booze! Because we're celebrating "Merica"! Whip up this festive bean dip and you'll be the hero of the day! Start with refried beans mixed with taco seasoning. Then add your favorite salsa. Some olives. Are my kids the only ones who… Continue reading Fourth of July Flag Bean Dip

Baking · Cookies · Desserts

Hamburger Cookies

I got the idea for these adorable cookies from my friend Rachel. She's always doing fun things with her girls and is just generally an awesome resource for delightful kiddo entertainment. I gave my kids a simple demo and then let them do the rest. They LOVED making (and eating!) these cookies! Easy, delicious and… Continue reading Hamburger Cookies

Cooking · Dinner

BBQ Master Tri Tip Steak

Beef. Gorgeous and delicious when it's done right. Tasteless hockey puck when done wrong. Don't let your meat be a tasteless hockey puck. This tri tip recipe includes a fantastic marinade that produces a flavorful, robust steak, and a grilling hint straight from Gordon Ramsey's mouth. Well, from his mouth via my TV. Ok...via my… Continue reading BBQ Master Tri Tip Steak

Cooking · Dinner

Perfectly Juicy Hamburgers

This post is going to upset some people. People like Ron Swanson, who think that a burger should be made of meat...and nothing else. On this one point (and pretty much nothing else...I love you RON!) I disagree. I think that burgers should taste amazing, and be incredibly juicy without serving them mooing on the… Continue reading Perfectly Juicy Hamburgers

Appetizers · Cooking · Dinner

Barbeque Turkey Sliders

I recently started dabbling in wine. I've always been more of a vodka girl personally, but it just seems so socially grown up to drink a glass of wine at a party. Who says peer pressure stays in high school? A while back I managed to finish my first glass, but it was Moscato so… Continue reading Barbeque Turkey Sliders

Appetizers · Cooking · Dinner

Summer Slaw

In the summer, there are lots of opportunities to bring salads and slaws to BBQs. I recently brought a sweet & sour apple slaw (light & delicious) and of course there's always my standby Chinese chicken salad (perfection!) if I'm not sure what to bring. Last weekend I wanted to make something close to a… Continue reading Summer Slaw

Cooking · Dinner

Marvelous Marinade

It's grilling season! Woo-hoo! This tasty marinade is quick and easy and will turn just about any cut of meat into a tender, flavorful mouth party. I know, it's supposed to be meatless Monday. And obviously that's a picture of steak. Be patient. I love to soak some big chunks of steak and chicken in… Continue reading Marvelous Marinade

Cooking · Dinner

Grilled Portobello Mushrooms

You could eat an old shoe with this marinade and it would be delicious. Which is perfect, since that's how some people think of mushrooms anyway. In my quest to have a meatless meal once a week, I stumbled upon these meaty mushrooms. They would be an awesome substitution for your burger, or sliced up… Continue reading Grilled Portobello Mushrooms

Cooking · Dinner

Sirloin Steak with Garlic Butter

Do you want to know why your steak at a restaurant is a taste explosion drenched in awesome and your BBQ beef is just passable? Come on. You know you're dying to find out. It's because chefs aren't afraid to douse your meat in butter and most of us home cooks think it's beyond decadence… Continue reading Sirloin Steak with Garlic Butter